DOGS TO THE RESCUE, INC. is a 50l(c)(3) non-profit organization compassionately dedicated to improving the lives of those who dedicated themselves to careers protecting and serving our community and are now suffering from PTSD and other stress related disorders. Our focus is on First Responders; Firefighters, Paramedics and Police Officers in the State of Florida.

Service animals can drastically transform the life of a person suffering from stress related disorders. They serve as emotional support for depression, panic attacks and social anxiety. They have proven to help people recover from work induced trauma. PTSD Service Dogs can help adjust serotonin levels, help lower blood pressure and assist in coping with emotional overload.

Our organization raises funds by organizing athletic fund raisers including "Dogs to The Rescue SK" and donating the net proceeds to train canine companions for Firefighters, Paramedics, Police and other Public Servants. We venture with established dog training facilities that specialize in pairing people in need with dogs that can enrich their lives.

"Maria  Fonzi-Gozalez
Firefighter/Paramedic RBFR
Cell: 561-351-9265